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Updated: Nov 21, 2023

Today 23rd September is the Autumn Equinox, for a moment in time the day and night are equal before the days get shorter and nights longer. According to John, (the lovely caretaker at Martin Primary), it's by 3 minutes every day!

It's made me think about balance again. Yoga encourages us to explore balance. Notice I deliberately didn't say learn to balance, because the reality is we can't always control balance with anything.

As a yoga teacher I like to encourage people that falling out of balances and having another go is an important part of the practice. Even if it's hard and uncomfortable. It's good to try and let go of any negativity, or preconceived ideas.

It's the falling out, how we respond, all the lessons, time and effort along the way that count. This is where yoga practices comes off the mat.

As Sharath Jois, Paramaguru says in his latest instagram post. To have a stable body and stable mind it is only through practicing asanas. Practicing physical yoga gives us a better understanding. It can help us prepare for life's ups and downs.

The myth behind the author of the yoga sutras, Patanjali, is that 'he fell from heaven in the form of a little snake, into the upturned plans of his virgin mother. He’s regarded as an incarnation of the thousand-headed serpent-king named, whose coils are said to support the god Vishnu'. This is where the concept 'Falling to Fly', comes from.

Read more here if you're interested in this philosophy.

There are many other ideas and traditions around this theme too. Like the aphorism of the 19th century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'.

The general idea is that we can grow and develop from difficult situations.

I've been looking at crow pose with huge respect this week. Whilst we can learn more about the right technique. Study endless Youtube tutorials. It's getting on the mat and having a go, putting the effort in that matters.

I've certainly felt a bit rusty. Out of practice. But I'm not going to give up (just yet)! It's given me a new urge to go back and challenge a weakness. Fall out a few times more.

It's maybe also worth a little mention of this here. Often names of asana are often overlooked. Taken quite literal (as was often the case). But I feel with crow we should perhaps take a nod to their intelligence.

Perhaps if we try to get a bit better at these difficult balances - we'll learn more?

I love this turn in seasons. The Autumn Equinox, as thing shift. The balance of night to day changes. The colours and textures. Smells of damp mossy, peaty, earth. Conkers, acorns and pumpkins. Seasonal roots and rich hearty greens. Feeling cooler, layering up. Good boots. Cosy socks. My list could go on.

It's an opportunity to turn a bit more inward. Reflect. Regroup and focus on what and how we'd like to respond to 'The Fall'.

I'll look forward to having a go and falling out of crow with you soon!


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