I love September. I think it goes back to childhood when I would love getting a new pencil case, stationary and school bag. Something my daughters' definitely inherited.
When I worked in fashion in September there was a sense of wearing 'proper' clothes again. Away with the flimsy floaty summer clothes and a return to jeans, boots, knitwear and jackets.
It's the start of a change in seasons into Autumn. Even though we can still have some lovely sunny days it gets darker earlier, conkers and acorns fall and seasonal foods change. There was a new moon on 2 September which marks a change in new energy too.
All this has made me want to clean and tidy, have a clear out and kick start a different fitness regime.
Whatever we feel about moving from summer into autumn it's really important to recognise those feelings.
This is why a physical practice is so important because through our bodies is how we tune into our senses. Our bodies communicate. We are multi dimensional and operate through our heads, heart and gut. This is why asana practice (a physical practice) is the second stage of an 8 fold path in yoga.
It's no coincidence that it comes before breath work, concentration and meditation. I would suggest to focus on reinstating a physical practice as regularly as you can. Be prepared to challenge yourself and go outside your comfort zone as this is when we can really feel all the feels and allow emotions to rise. Most importantly don't suppress any feelings that do arise and let tears flow.
It is not helpful to try and go for 'good vibes' and put a happy sticking plaster over something which is hurt, as those feelings are still there underneath.
So maybe this September feel free to be sad, grieve, be angry, emotional, as well as being content. All these feelings are valid. Through your physical body acknowledge the feelings and sensations and maybe let some of them go before you allow different experiences to rise.
Allow yourself empty and let go like the change of a summer wardrobe, before you can put on the boots and jackets.