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All change


Updated: Nov 21, 2023

Things never stay the same. Days, months, seasons, weather, work, finances, relationships, health and well being.

The economic news this week is particularly unsettling. None of know how things are going to pan out. I really feel for those under increasing pressure to make ends meet.

Last week was Autumn Equinox and I looked at balance, as for a split second the day and night are the same length and then it changes. Trying to balance as opposed to balancing, is a really important lesson we can take from our physical practice. It is the effort we put in and more importantly how we respond when we 'fall out' that shapes us. On and off the yoga mat.

This week in yogaeverydamnday I've felt the need to be a bit more meditative. To turn inwards. A moving meditation. To really appreciate the work on the mat.

Astanga yoga is a set sequence (which is the basis for a lot of my teaching). It is based on familiar moves. This week has involved less instruction and more 'self practice'.

As the Bhagavad Gita says. "Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self"

It is through the process of practising asana, that we can learn about our weaknesses and strengths. How we respond to this helps shape us. Whether we think of ways to adapt. Change. Modify or give up. Embracing changes I feel is an important part of the journey. How we respond, exposes a bit more of who we really are.

It's not important to be able to stay in headstand for 25 breaths to be able to balance the really difficult things in your life, but really noticing the experiences along the way can. It maybe that (like I did) you find it difficult to breathe. Or even switch off in savasana? Recognising feelings. Working out whether it's ego that prevents us from falling or failing.

My eldest daughter is back home. The rental market has gone crazy. Despite having a really good job it seems this is best solution at the moment. Another change.

It means I've lost a dedicated space to teach. But I'm really glad to be able to support my family. We are extremely lucky to have this option. It's made me think more creatively. Get rid of more stuff (that we don't need). Live simpler. The concept slow living again.

To live in the moment and treasure the things which are important. This is yoga.

Watch out for a different backdrop to online classes.


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