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The theme of my recent one day yoga retreats was Seed & Sow. Last week I wrote a bit about sowing and the importance of action.

But first you need something to sow.

The stories of large growth from small beginnings are told in many faiths and traditions.

But there is more to it than simply 'just' planting a seed and watching it grow.

Firstly, the seed has to break down in order for the process of growth to start. Here's a little video which you might find interesting.

I think this is why this story is interpreted in so may traditions. Because it's often through moments of crisis that can create our biggest growth or revelations.

You may have seen my instagram post this week about my fiddle leaf fig which I decapitated back in May 2021(that's another story). I was left with a stem with one leaf. With a bit of hope, TLC and a vision for how it could look the plant at the top is 3 years on.

What I liked about the seed video attached above is that we think we know what is needed to make things grow. This is our ego and arrogance. However, it's not always what we think? Also, as in some of the religious stories about seeds, some fall on hard ground and dry up, some get washed away.

This is a good illustration about surrounding ourselves with the right people and energy, as they too can prevent growth. It's often in those difficult situations when we zoom out we can get a better view of a situation. Real growth too is a process.

As in the video a lot of the time a seed needs warmth, water and oxygen and time. This comes down to some science basics. Time, space, matter and energy.

This is something I speak about quite a lot in my yoga classes. When we practice yoga and go outside our comfort zone and go to those more challenging places, with continued effort, is when we see change and realise more of our potential.

It's a good lesson for us all too, to give time, space and energy to allow ideas to grow. AND keep on sowing.

Have a lovely weekend.


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